How do I sign up for a FOLX membership with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts?

  • Updated

There are two different scenarios where you may qualify to have your membership covered by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts:

  1. If you have Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts insurance and live in Massachusetts, or have insurance through another Blue Cross subsidiary and live in Massachusetts
  2. If you have Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts insurance and live in a state other than Massachusetts.

See below for details on how to get your membership covered for each scenario, as well as how to get your membership covered if you're already a membership and fall into one of these scenarios.



Scenario #1: If you have Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts insurance and live in Massachusetts, or have insurance through another Blue Cross subsidiary and live in Massachusetts

  1. Sign up for a FOLX membership and enter your Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts insurance information when prompted during signup.
  2. You will need to provide a payment method to complete your membership signup, but as long as you have valid Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts insurance coverage, you will not be billed for your membership.

Scenario #2: If you have Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts insurance and live in a state other than Massachusetts

Please note - FEP plans are currently not covered outside of MA.

  1. Sign up for a FOLX membership.
  2. Select the monthly membership option.
  3. You will need to provide a payment method to complete your membership signup, but you will not be charged immediately; you will begin a 10-day free trial.
  4. After signing up, enter your Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts insurance information in your FOLX member account (on the Billing & Insurance page)
  5. We will verify your insurance coverage within 3-5 business days. If you have valid Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts insurance coverage, you will not be billed for your membership. If we have any issues validating your coverage, we will contact you through the Message Center.

If you are already a FOLX member and you qualify for membership (as outlined in one of the scenarios above)

  1. Enter your Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts insurance information in your FOLX member account (on the Billing & Insurance page)
  2. We will verify your insurance coverage within 3-5 business days. If you have valid Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts insurance coverage, you will not be billed for your membership. If we have any issues validating your coverage, we will contact you through the Message Center.

If you encounter any issues following the steps above, please submit a request in the Message Center.

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