Can I pause my subscription?

  • Updated

We can't pause an account, but we can cancel your membership.  You can cancel whenever you like from your FOLX account:

  1. Sign in to your account
  2. Navigate to the “Billing” tab
  3. Click “Cancel Membership” under the FOLX membership section.

You may also submit a request to our Member Navigation team but we do need at least forty-eight (48) hours notice before your monthly billing date to ensure we see your request in time.

If you have any appointments that are scheduled to occur after your membership has been canceled, we will ask you to cancel those. As long as you are outside of the cancellation window for appointments (24 hrs), you will be refunded the cost of the appointment.

If you cancel your membership, you will have access to FOLX until the monthly processing date of your membership.

If you'd like to return to FOLX after canceling, you can reactivate from your FOLX account!

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