How do I change my pharmacy?

  • Updated

When you sign up for FOLX, you can select your preferred pharmacy. If you receive gender affirming hormone therapy, you have the option of using FOLX’s partner pharmacy and getting the medications securely mailed to your home, using Capsule delivery (if available in your area), or another pharmacy of your choice. 

For all other medications, you can choose Capsule delivery (if available where you live), or another pharmacy of your choice.


You can update your preferred pharmacy in your FOLX account at any time by:

  1. Logging in to your account
  2. Clicking on Billing & Insurance
  3. Under Pharmacy section, clicking “Change Pharmacy” 
  4. Updating your pharmacy choice and address if applicable
  5. And saving your edits!

Your clinician will now use this information to send your next prescription. Make sure to update prior to your visit or when your refills are due so that your medication is sent to the correct pharmacy!

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