My account says I'm Past Due. How can I pay my outstanding membership bills?

  • Updated

If your account says you're Past Due, this is usually due to outstanding membership invoices. To get your account into paid status:

  1. Login to your FOLX account.
  2. Go to the Billing & Insurance page. If you have any outstanding membership bills, your account will be marked "Past Due" in the FOLX Membership section at the top of the page.
  3. Click on the Bills card to open a list of your paid or failed bills. Look for any bills marked "Failed" and click on them.
  4. On the Bill Summary page for that bill, click "Pay now."
  5. Once you pay all outstanding bills, your FOLX Membership will be marked as "Active."


If your account is still showing as Past Due, and you don't have any Failed membership invoices, you may have an outstanding lab invoice to pay. Please submit a request in the Message Center!

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